Monday, May 16, 2011

Boyce Park

I do most of my running in Boyce Park because it's almost in my backyard.  I wanted to share with you some pictures of my favorite Boyce scenery.  Well, this is my favorite scenery minus all the trails I run when the weather is more dry.  At the rate this spring is going, it's going to be a very long time before I see the woods!

Join me as I take you on a short tour of "my training turf".

The entrance to the park.

River that runs through the park.
I see it when I run along Pierson Run Road.

The fact that I actually got a picture of them inspired me to take pictues and make this post.

This big hill is along side the big hill that I dread running up.
I thought it was so pretty with the fog and sky that morning.

This is the Boyce ski area. 
I watched many skiers take to these hills throughout my winter running.

An access road for the park maintanance and police vehicles.
Pretty scenery.
Beginning of the trail named "Silver Beaver".  I'll always wonder how it got it's name.
Love this's half paved and half gravel so I can run it during wet weather.

At the top of another hill.

Pretty tree on a hill.
I like to imagine myself sitting at that picnic table with nothing to do :)
haha, that day will neverrrr come

The log cabin on Pierson Run Road.

Of course the best scenery of all is at home.  My family!! 
This is what I came home to after that particular picture taking run.
Left to right:  Cocoa, Meredith, Matt, Caroline

I am fortunate to have such a great place to do all this training and thank God every day for the fantastic supportive family I have to come home to after each run!


  1. This was so cool. I felt so in shape after I read through this post.
    Great pic @ the end!

  2. Wow, great pics! Thanks for sharing them! Looks like a great place to run, and an even better family to come home to!

  3. the park pictures are nice but I like the reward at home picture best. Love you all
