Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What most of you don't know

I have been running for only a year now. I was at the gym last summer and out of the blue decided to hop on the treadmill and see what happened. Much to my surprise, I could run! I had not run more that a couple feet in 11 years (really even before that). Why?

In October 1999, I was in a car accident. Someone did not yield to a light and smashed into me. My car was totaled and so were my knees. I'll never ever forget that night. The pain I felt in my legs was indescribable. In the ER I learned that both of my knee caps were broken. Braces were applied to both legs and I was hospitalized for 5 days. During those 5 days, I questioned if I would ever walk again. Everyone told me I would but if you felt what I felt, you would have had little confidence too. On day 5, my well medicated body stood at the bedside with a therapist (and crutches) on each side supporting my weight. I took a few very painful and slow steps to the door. I did it! So I knew I COULD do it. My next concern was if I would ever walk normal.

I was forced to move out of my house in Erie where I was living for college and back home with my parents (40 min away). I was unable to care completely for myself...or even get from one room to another without help. I had to drop a couple of classes, make special arrangements for another and finish a couple of others by actually sitting in lecture. Really. Where would the world be without moms?! My mom drove me to my classes a couple times a week and pushed me around in a wheelchair with both legs sticking straight out...(remember the braces?) (Side story- because my legs were sticking straight out, the chair was front heavy. She almost dumped me out over a street curb during one class change! Now, I am laughing just thinking about it but it was not so funny then.) She sat outside my classes and waited. She, along with my dad and grandparents, also drove me to physical therapy three times a week when I was not in class and to multiple orthopaedic doctor appointments.

Finally the bones healed and the day came when the leg braces were removed! My legs looked like toothpicks! I am not exaggerating. I had lost sooo much muscle mass during that 8 weeks. Physical therapy continued into the spring semester but by that time I was able to move back to Erie and live with roommates again. I saw a different physical therapist there and really felt like I was progressing with her.

As the years went on, my leg strength slowly began to rebuild. I could at least walk normal but still dealt with pain for quite some time. I was on osteoarthritis medication throughout the rest of college and had to be very careful with my leg positioning. I could not squat down without pain and forget kneeling...that was just not an option.
Finally, over the last 4 years or so I felt pretty normal. I could squat and kneel with only minimal discomfort. Because of all this though, I am very protective of my knees. I used to rollerblade and even snowboard a couple times a year. I have not done either since. I am terrified of twisting or landing on my knees.

Now you see why the thought of running was never even a flicker of a thought in my mind and why I was so shocked when I actually did it for the first time. I felt like I had won the battle. I knew at that moment that my knees were working the way they were intended. Yes, it felt very weird and unnatural but good at the same time. I started slowly increasing my time on the treadmill until Nicole Silvis talked me into my first race. At that time, running a 10K (6mi) seemed so unrealistic but with her encouragement and my strong will to beat that old injury..I did it!

Now I'm training for a marathon. So many people ask me why I am so doubtful that I can actually finish this marathon...now you know. I still doubt that I can complete a 26.2 mile race on my own. I know that I KNOW that it is ONLY through God that I am able to do this. I truly believe that if I was doing it for any other reason than to please Him that it would not be possible. I am literally "Running On Faith."

Again I say, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13.

My knees have had a few aches and pains along the way during training but overall have been the least of my problems...until last Saturday. Out of the blue, one of them started aching to the point where I had to cut my distance down during training runs. I took today off from running to rest and refocus. Praying for a pain free 8 miles tomorrow!

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